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Church & Ministry Leader, we created this page for you!

Kingdom leadership is a tremendous call and can be a joy instead of a burden when we: 

⭐️ Walk intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and 

⭐️ Follow God's desire, God's design, and God's direction for the unique call He has on each of us AND the call He has on the organizations we lead.

You can do it; we can help!

We teach the following process to provide you with the tools & training you can readily implement and relay to others as you involve your team.

1. Learn & Discern

Determine God's unique direction for your ministry. No two people are exactly alike, and no two churches & ministries are the same.

2. Implement & Communicate

Use written processes to get everyone on the "same page" and keep everyone moving forward together.

3. Come Alive & Thrive

Experience holistic growth and health as you stay aligned with God's desire, God's design, and God's direction for your ministry.

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More about the process

Step 1 | Define what a healthy ministry looks like & discern God's direction for you

Every church and ministry is unique AND there are ALSO some common threads among them all. Rather than starting with methodology and style, we want to begin with substance— by looking at Scripture and discovering WHAT God instructs us to do instead of first beginning with HOW others do it.

The “Healthy Church” resources walk you through the 6 functions of a church, helps you discern how God is leading you to implement those functions, and then equips you with a framework of “holistic growth.”

You’ll emerge with an action plan that’s ready to implement a culture of life and health.

Step 2 | Use proven processes to run your ministry AND communicate clearly

After discerning where God wants to take your ministry, you must clearly communicate the vision online AND offline.

The “Gear Up” resources outline 5 unique facets every church must address in order to move forward.

🧭 the importance of your discipleship PATH

😇 why you need to create job descriptions for all of the PEOPLE— paid and unpaid— you work with

⚙️ the role PROCESSES play in your organization

💙 the necessity of crafting your culture, that is, the tone of your PLACE, by design instead of default

💰why you need to handle the money, the PURSE, so you can focus on the mission (and practical steps you can take to do it)

Each of these 5 facets matter equally, as any can hinder (or help) your ministry move forward.

Step 3 | Build a thriving ministry by building people helping them “come alive”

⚜️ In Healthy Church we teach that discipleship is one of the six functions of a thriving ministry. (Incidentally, the first type of “growth” to pursue is spiritual growth.)

⚙️ In Gear Up, we suggest that your discipleship PATH is one of the processes that either hinders or accelerates the progress of your mission.


⭐️ You need a clear resource that becomes your “go to” as a first step in your discipleship framework.

LifeLift is among many of great programs available. This resource helps people discover their identity in Christ, discern their spiritual gifts, and then deploy into ministry based on how God has uniquely designed them.

Note: This step can be implemented WHILE you implement step 2.

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Ways we can help

⭐️ Pulpit supply 

⭐️ Speaking to your group or leadership team 

⭐️ Implementing a regular workshop or seminar (i.e., Heaven Bound, LifeLift, etc.)

⭐️ Serving as your interim (re: "transitional") pastor

⭐️ Helping you discern God's direction for your ministry 

⭐️ Aligning your staff & leadership team(s) around a core vision with common language

⭐️ 1:1 consulting 

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