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Live by design not default

You can live by design OR default— but not both.

In the same way you can LEAD A CHURCH by design or default… that is, with intention or a lack of it.


So, what keeps us from living— and leading— with intentionality?

In this talk we highlight two “ruts” it’s easy to fall into, two “ditches” that can keep us from living & leading by design…


Rut #1 = some churches function INCIDENTALLY…

That is, they just “happen” upon whatever they do somewhat randomly.

This means, of course, that many times they do the RIGHT things— they just don’t know why. Perhaps they stumble upon it OR they just do what they’ve always done…


Rut #2 = some churches function ACCIDENTALLY…

That is, they bump from mistake to mishap and from crisis to conflict to chaos and confusion.

They’re toxic, to use language we’re familiar with.



Both of these approaches have downsides. (And both can be redeemed and thrive!)

The downside of living incidentally = you forget WHY you do what you do… and, over time, you begin serving a process rather than serving a purpose. It’s not inspiring.

The downside of living accidentally = it’s impossible to live your purpose when you’re focusing on putting out fires and managing pain. It’s disheartening and debilitating.



In this talk, we propose a better way…


Next steps

💛 This talk refers to the “Healthy Church” resources. Go to for more info

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