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The main thing(s)

Jesus referenced two “greats” during His time on earth…

⭐️ The great commandment = “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength” (see Matthew 22:36-40), AND

⭐️ The great commission = “go into all the world and make disciples…” (see Matthew 28:18-20).

One (the commission) flows FROM the other…

… as an overflow of our “love connection” with God.

But how do you inspire love?

And how do you “create” a feeling?

In this episode we discuss these two “greats” and their relationship to each other, as well as explore how to stoke the fire and fan the flame of both.

We also dialogue about looking at the world around us from a new perspective— from a vantage point of long-term love, of working grace through the culture like yeast moving through dough (Matthew 13:33-37), and of viewing everything from the standpoint of redeemed-and-yet-to-be-redeemed as opposed to just sacred or secular (see Acts 3:20-21).


Next steps

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