The common thread in “all” of it
There’s not much debate on what the word “all” means in purely intellectual terms.
But, when we start to apply it to practical areas of life such as—
❤️ loving God with ALL we have…
🌎 going into ALL the world…
⭐️ Jesus redeeming and restoring ALL things…
… well, it gets a little fuzzy.
It doesn’t have to, though.
When we REALLY apply it, it shows us that—
👉 the mission of a church goes with ALL the people of that church in ALL the places that go ALL the time
👉 it has the power to bless ALL of the people ALL of them interact with at ALL times
👉 the Spirit moves in ALL environments and professions and places we find ourselves…
In other words, we tend to overcomplicate it. Let’s make it simple.
Next steps
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