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God’s desire, God’s design, God’s direction

We continue in this talk where we left off in the previous episode, dialoguing about the best question ever…

⁉️ What is God’s desire, God’s design, and God’s direction about _______________ [insert whatever situation you’re facing]⁉️

Here’s the breakdown of what each means…

💙 DESIRE = What does God want for this situation in light of what I know to be true about His character?

Note: this is ALWAYS in line with His character…

📐 DESIGN = What has He ALREADY revealed to me about “how to do this” in the past (i.e., in His Word)?

Note: sometimes when God SEEMS silent, it’s because He’s ALREADY given us clear instruction….

🧭 DIRECTION = What is His Spirit affirming to me— through prayer— specifically (which will always match His Word & again— by confirmed— by trusted advisors)?

Note: this is where we get specifics for our unique circumstance. God may show “me” something different than He shows “you” how to handle a specific issue…

… but, it will ALWAYS be in alignment— for each of us— with His Word (design) and His ways (desire).


Next steps

💛 This talk refers to the “Healthy Church” resources. Go to for more info

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