4 ways churches grow
Paul uses the analogy of a human body when talking about the church (see 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Ephesians 4:11f.). Well, to say it a better way, he doesn’t say the church is LIKE a body, he declares the church ACTUALLY IS a body— the Body of Christ.
So, let’s affirm this about human size AND about church size…
While you DO need a certain “mass” for a human to be viable, there are far more indicators as to how healthy the human is than just mere size.
Think about it—
🤷♂️ You can have a healthy 150-pound man OR an unhealthy 150-pound man.
🤷♂️ You can have a healthy 300-pound man OR an unhealthy 300-pound man.
A lot depends on the KIND of weight that man has (read: the kind of size, muscle or fat) AND other indicators we don’t see…
❤️ the condition of his heart and his blood
💥 the amount of stress he has— and how he handles it
😴 the rhythm of rest, recovery, and the working hard…
🚽 the capacity he has to eliminate toxins while storing nutrients
The same is true with churches— with the body of Christ…
The numbers DO tell some of the story, but only SOME. The numbers are one of many indicators.
In this talk we walk through FOUR indicators—
🕊️ Spiritual growth = awakening to who God designed us to be and walking in relationship with Him
⚙️ Ministry involvement = discovering the unique part we play and deploying into that area of stewardship
🌎 Missions advancement = taking the energy of the church outside the four walls of the building and inviting others to experience the presence & power of the Kingdom (not the church, the Kingdom)
🔥 Outreach effectiveness = people are impacted and begin the journey of spiritual growth…
(Then, they can start the process.)
Bottom line: churches grow in multiple ways— especially if you want them to be healthy.
Next steps
💛 This talk refers to the “Healthy Church” resources. Go to www.LifeLift.online/HC for more info
⚙️Learn more + access the GEAR UP church resources at https://www.amplifyonline.info/GU
✅ Learn more about how Edwin can serve you and your team by speaking, hosting seminars, consulting, and more at www.LifeLift.online