6 things churches (should) do (part 1)
Churches organize and do “lots and lots” for things.
However, in the hustle of it all, we need to make sure we’re doing the RIGHT things…
All of the—
⭐️ Programs…
⚙️ Processes (including budgeting our time & money) of how things get done…
📝 Policies & procedures (rules & operating guidelines) of how we “behave”…
… should all flow into the 6 functions we see in Acts 2:42-47.
In this 2-part talk, we begin working through the 6, exploring how they all fit together…
Next steps
💛 This talk refers to the “Healthy Church” resources. Go to www.LifeLift.online/HC for more info
⚙️Learn more + access the GEAR UP church resources at https://www.amplifyonline.info/GU
✅ Learn more about how Edwin can serve you and your team by speaking, hosting seminars, consulting, and more at www.LifeLift.online